PGLRE #67: Equitable Development in Baltimore with LaQuida Chancey

Episode Description

On episode 67 of Pretty Girls Love Real Estate, I chat with LaQuida Chancey, Founder and Director of Smalltimore Homes, a nonprofit aiming to provide those experiencing homelessness with transitional housing in the form of tiny homes.

During our conversation we discuss:

- Projects and services with Smalltimore Homes and other initiatives in Baltimore to increase development by people of color

- The history of redlining in Baltimore and the impact it has had today on the housing market

- Potential remedies to cure the large number of vacant and blighted properties in Baltimore

Guest’s Resource Recommendation

The Millionaire Real Estate Investor by Gary Keller

Real Estate Professional Bio for LaQuida Chancey

LaQuida Chancey is an experienced real estate investor, entrepreneur, IT manager, and owner of Xavier Estates, LLC, a full-service real estate company. In February of 2018, LaQuida started Smalltimore Homes, an equitable housing nonprofit.  The mission of Smalltimore Homes is to provide those experiencing homelessness with transitional housing through land ownership and permanent housing through tiny home solutions. Community partners provide supportive wrap-around services, while Smalltimore Homes focuses on housing solutions. Ultimately, the goal is to help community members to obtain AND maintain affordable housing.

​Engaging neighborhoods in conversations about redlining, & grassroots development and hosting volunteer-building activities are all catalysts to engage community members and spread initiative awareness. LaQuida holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a Mathematics minor from Spelman College.

Contact information for episode guest LaQuida Chancey:




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